PURER RO 311 Membrane Acetic Cleaner Features :
Reverse Osmosis membranes require cleaning at regular intervals for it to operate at an optimum level. Depending on the kind of deposit formed cleaning method is chosen.
You can buy RO Membrane cleaner at ibuychemikals which are available in quiet a good range. RO Membrane cleaner with acetic acid are very effective in cleaning most reverse osmosis membranes. If the kind of foulant you are dealing with is organic and metal sulfides, buy PURER RO 311 Acetic Cleaner Online, it is also effective in removing silt and other particulate foulants. The packaging size is 1 Kg and 5 Kg ; the salient features of the product are that its miscibility in water is excellent, it is effective at low dosage and is very easy to prepare and use. Our RO Acetic Cleaner price is competitive when compared to the ones available in India.
If you are to order RO 311 Acetic Cleaner, and if this is the first time you are to buy online, the steps are quite similar to the ones in any other e-commerce site. We deliver anywhere in India within 7-10 working days,for queries and assistance reach us at our Toll free number.
For product related queries, please write to us at support@ibuychemikals.com. Call / WhatsApp us at +91 73388 51002"